Threat Actors Leverage Spear-Phishing E-Mails Mimicking UKR.NET Service for Espionage

This article highlights the original research provided by CERT-UA:Ā 

On March 16, 2022, the Computer Emergency Response Team from Ukraine CERT-UA identified a spear-phishing campaign aimed at infecting Ukrainian organizations with cyber-espionage malware. With a low level of confidence, given the tactics used, CERT-UA associates the identified activity with one of the top Russia-backed APT28 collective (UAC-0028).Ā  Spear-phishing has been the main vector of APT28 attacks since at least June 2021. The next steps of the adversaries include either exfiltration of data or using the compromised emails for further spear-phishing attacks on precise targets.

Spear-Phishing Campaign Infects Ukrainian Organizations With Spyware: CERT-UA Investigation

CERT-UA investigation reveals a spear-phishing campaign distributing e-mails that mimic messages from UKR.NET and contain a QR code with an encoded URL created by using one of the URL-shortener services. Upon opening this URL, a victim is redirected to a website that tries to spoof the UKR.NET password reset page. The data entered by the user via HTTP POST-request is sent to a web resource deployed by attackers on the Pipedream platform.

Graphics provided by CERT-UA illustrating the spear-phishing campaign aimed at spyware delivery

Global Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)

frge[.]io (2021-04-21)
pipedream[.]net (legitimate website)

IOC-Based Hunting Queries to Detect UKR.NET-Lured Phishing

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