Elastic for Security Analysts. Part 1: Searching Strings.

Adam Swan
Adam Swan
March 02, 2020 Ā· 10 min read


With Elastic increasing their foothold in the cybersecurity space through the speed and scalability of their solution, we expect more new Elastic users. These users will approach Elastic armed with an intuition built from experience with other platforms and SIEMs. Often this intuition will be directly challenged after a few searches in Elastic. The purpose of this series is to get security analysts up to speed with the uniqueness of Elastic. This post provides readers with a guide for building proper searches against string data in Elastic.

Misunderstanding how the analyzed Text and non-analyzed Keyword datatypes affect searching string based data will lead to misleading results. By reading this post you will be better equipped to perform searches against strings that match your analytical intentions.


  1. Before We Get Going
  2. Which Datatype are you Using?
  3. Summary of Differences
  4. Difference 1: Tokenizing & Terms
  5. Difference 2: Case Sensitivity
  6. Difference 3: Symbol Matching

Before We Get Going:


This blog post uses Lucene. KQL doesnā€™t support regular expressions (yet) and we need them.

Terms: Datatypes, Mappings, and Analyzers:

When discussing how data is stored in Elasticā€™s indexes, one must be familiar with the terms Mappings, Datatypes, and Analyzers.

  • Datatype – The ā€œtypeā€, ā€œthe type of dataā€, or ā€œdata typeā€ that a value is stored/indexed as. Examples of datatypes are: String, Boolean, Integer, and IP. Strings are stored/indexed as a ā€œTextā€ or ā€œKeywordā€ datatype.
  • Mapping – This is the setting that assigns (maps) each field to a datatype. Accessible through the get mapping API. When you ā€œget the mappingā€ you are returned the field the datatype it is mapped to.
  • Analyzer – before string data is stored/indexed, the value is pre-processed to optimize storage and searching. Analyzers help make searching against strings fast.

How Strings are Stored:

There are two primary datatypes for strings: Keyword and Text.

  1. Keyword strings of the type Keyword are stored as their raw value. No analyzer is applied.
  2. Text – strings of the type Text are analyzed. The default and most common analyzer is the standard (text) analyzer. In this post when we refer to the ā€œTextā€ datatype we are referring to the Text datatype with the standard analyzer. There are other analyzers, and custom analyzers are possible.

Which Datatype are you Using?

It is highly likely that your Elastic instance is using both the Text and Keyword datatypes for strings. However, the Elastic Common Schema (ECS) and Winlogbeat primarily use the Keyword datatype.

Even if you are using ECS, admins can customize mappings! To know for certain how a field is mapped, you should query your Elastic instance. To do this you can use the ā€‹get field mappingā€‹ API or ā€‹get mappingā€‹ API. It is good practice to keep up on the latest mappings for fields you regularly search or have built content against. Mappings can change while field names may stay the same. Restated, todayā€™s Keyword field could be a Text field tomorrow.

The noteworthy differences between Keyword and Text are detailed in the section below. Additionally, each difference that will affect search results will be explored in their own section.

Summary of Differences

We donā€™t expect you to look at this section and immediately make sense of why the types match when they do. Each of the differences is expanded upon in their own section. Each of the examples in the tables is also placed in a table within the section that explains the behavior.


The following table provides a brief overview of the major differences in the datatypes.

Difference Standard (text) Keyword
Tokenized Split into terms (tokenized), original value lost but is faster Not tokenized, original value maintained
Case Sensitivity Case insensitive, case sensitive queries are not possible Case sensitive, case insensitive queries possible via regex
Symbols Generally, non-alphanumeric characters are not stored. But, retains non-alphanumeric characters in certain contexts Retains non-alphanumeric characters / Retains symbols

Differences in Behavior

The following table provides real world examples of how types affect search behavior.

Example Value Query Text Match Keyword Match
Powershell.exe –encoded TvqQAAMA process.args:encoded Yes No
Powershell.exe –encoded TvqQAAMA process.args:/.*[Ee][Nn][Cc][Oo][Dd][Ee][Dd].*/ Yes Yes
Powershell.exe –encoded TvqQAAMA process.args:*Powershell.exe*Tvq* No Yes
TVqQAAMA process.args:*TVqQAAMA* Yes Yes
TVqQAAMA process.args:*tvqqaama* Yes No
cmd.exe process.name:cmd.exe Yes Yes
CmD.ExE process.name:cmd.exe Yes No
CmD.ExE process.name:/[Cc][Mm][Dd]\.[Ee][Xx][Ee]/ Yes Yes
\\*$\* process.args:*\\\\*$* No Yes
\\C$\Windows\System32 process.args:*C$\\* Yes Yes


Difference 1: Analyzer, Tokenizing & Terms


Difference Text (standard analyzer) Keyword
Tokenized Split into terms (tokenized) Not Analyzed, Not Tokenized. Original value maintained.


The Text datatype / standard analyzer uses tokenization which splits a string into chunks (tokens). These tokens are based upon word boundaries (ie: a space), punctuation. and more.

As an example if we tokenized the following string with the standard analyzer:

“searching for things with Elastic is straightforward”

The resulting terms would be:

“searching” | “for” | “thing” | “with” | “elastic” | “is” | “straightforward”

Notice everything was tokenized on spaces (word boundaries), is now lowercase, and the “s” was removed from things.

Tokenizing enables matching on single terms without contains or wildcards. For instance, if we performed a search for “Elastic” the Text datatype string containing ā€œsearching for things with Elastic is straightforwardā€ would match. This is different from other SIEMs which rely heavily on wildcards or ā€˜containsā€™ logic.

However, tokenizing breaks on wildcards between terms. For instance, “*searching*Elastic*” would not match the standard analyzed string “searching with Elastic is straightforward”.

Note: You can address this with proximity, but order is not maintained. For example, ā€œsearching Elastic”~1 would match “searching with Elastic” and “Elastic with searching”.

Ā Often times in security we need exact match and the ability to use wildcards between terms. This one reason the Keyword datatype has become the defacto datatype in ECS. For what you lose in speed you gain the ability to perform more precise searches.


Example Value Query Text Match Keyword Match
Powershell.exe –encoded process.args:ā€Powershell.exe –encodedā€ Yes Yes
Powershell.exe –encoded TvqQAAMA process.args:/.*[Ee][Nn][Cc][Oo][Dd][Ee][Dd].*/ Yes Yes
Powershell.exe –encoded TvqQAAMA process.args:encoded Yes No
Powershell.exe –encoded TvqQAAMA process.args:*Powershell.exe*encoded* No Yes


Difference 2: Case Sensitivity


Difference Text (standard analyzer) Keyword
Case Sensitivity Stored entirely in lower case and is therefore case insensitive. Case sensitive queries are not possible. Case sensitive. Case insensitive queries possible using regular expressions.


Case sensitivity issues are one of the leading causes for confusion in Elasticā€™s behavior as a security analyst. This is especially true for the Keyword datatype (hello ECS crowd). A single out-of-case character in a log can bypass an improperly built query against the Keyword fields. When an attacker controls parts of data that makes it into Keywords (think windows 4688 & 4104 events) you should be using regular expressions to ensure case insensitivity!

Furthermore, Elastic will not warn you if a document was barely missed because of a single out-of-case character. Therefore missing results or getting more results than intended is a leading cause for confusion as a security analyst.

Here is a basic example matching against “PoWeRsHeLl”. Notice how it only takes 1 out-of-case character to keep the query from matching.

Example Value Query Text Match Keyword Match
PoWeRsHeLl process.args:PoWeRsHell Yes No
PoWeRsHeLl process.args:PoWeRsHeLl yes yes
PoWeRsHeLl process.args:/[Pp][Oo][Ww][Ee][Rr][Ss][Hh][Ee][Ll][Ll]/ yes Yes (matches all cases)

For a real example in Kibana. In the image below, the Keyword type field ā€œprocess.argsā€ is queried for the string ā€œwindowsā€. To an unsuspecting analyst this may seem good enough… 42 results were returned. Well if they were hoping to obtain any document containing ā€œwindowsā€ they would be wrong. As the search is case sensitive, therefore ā€œWindowsā€ would not match.

Limited results from case sensitive search

In the query below, using a regular expression to search for ā€œwindowsā€ accordingly returns 567 results that were previously ā€œmissingā€!

Maximum results

Hopefully it is now clear that if we are searching using the Keyword type and are not using a regular expression then we will miss variations of ā€œpowershellā€ beyond an exact match. Be warned against using KQL (which does not support regex) to match against data the attacker controls.

Note: There are use cases when you will want case sensitive matches in Keyword fields such as with base64.

You can make any query case insensitive using regex character sets. Here are examples:

encoded /[Ee][Nn][Cc][Oo][Dd][Ee][Dd]/
cmd.exe /[Cc][Mm][Dd]\.[Ee][Xx][Ee]/
C:\windows\system32\* /[Cc]:\\[Ww][Ii][Nn][Dd][Oo][Ww][Ss]\\[Ss][Yy][Ss][Tt][Ee][Mm]32\\.*/


Example Value Query Text Match Keyword Match
TVqQAAMA process.args::*TVqQAAMA* Yes Yes
TVqQAAMA process.args: *tvqqaama* Yes No
cmd.exe process.name:cmd.exe Yes Yes
CmD.ExE process.name:cmd.exe Yes No
CmD.ExE process.name:/[Cc][Mm][Dd]\.[Ee][Xx][Ee]/ Yes Yes


Difference 3: Symbol Matching


Difference Text (standard analyzer) Keyword
Symbols Generally, non-alphanumeric characters are not stored. But, retains non-alphanumeric characters in certain contexts Retains non-alphanumeric characters / Retains symbols


All symbols are maintained by the Keyword type as the entire field is maintained exactly as the data is input (see note). However, for the standard analyzer a general rule to follow is that symbols will not be maintained. This is because the analyzer was made for whole word matching and symbols are not words. Restated, symbols are (for the most part) not stored in the standard analyzer. So, If you intend to match on symbols itā€™s best to use the Keyword datatype, if you only have a text field and need to match on a group of symbols you are out of luck. However, there are contexts when symbols will be maintained in the standard analyzer. For instance, periods will be maintained in terms like ā€œcmd.exeā€. The authors have found that the easiest way to understand when symbols will be maintained in the standard analyzer is to just run test data in the analyze API.



Example Value Query Text Match Keyword Match
\\*$\* process.args:*\\\\*$* No Yes
\\C$\Windows\System32 process.args:*C$\\* Yes Yes
cmd.exe process.name:cmd.exe Yes Yes



Elastic is a powerful tool. However, it can also be misleading. Hopefully we have armed you with a little more knowledge and the power to search confidently against string-based data.

If you feel that you need help writing content for Elastic, SOC Primeā€™s Threat Detection Marketplace is filled with detection content that works with our suggested Elastic configuration.

Future Posts

Stay tuned for further blog posts exploring the fundamentals & not so fundamentals of using Elastic as a security analyst.

Additional Resources for Searching:

This series focuses on the common pain points for analysts over delving into the topic of syntax. Elastic provides detailed documentation on their Lucene syntax. Also, there are several quality community cheat sheets: notably McAndreā€™s and Florian Roth and Thomas Patzkeā€™s.


Published – March 2020

Last Updated – 12 March

Authors – Adam Swan (@acalarch) with help from Nate Guagenti (@neu5ron)

Elastic Version Used: 7.5.2

Logs Used In Examples: https://github.com/sbousseaden/EVTX-ATTACK-SAMPLES

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