Black Basta Ransomware Detection: New Collaboration with QBot

June 07, 2022 · 3 min read
Black Basta ransomware

QBot, aka Qakbot, has been around since 2007, while its companion, a threat actor group tagged Black Basta, first surfaced just a few months ago – in April 2022. According to the latest insights into a partnership between Qakbot and Black Basta, the latter uses this modular information stealer to travel through the compromised system and maintain persistence, using lateral movement as their core tactic in this campaign. Evidence indicates that the threat actor deployed Cobalt Strike beacons on the victim machines.

Detect Black Basta Ransomware

To detect Black Basta malicious activity that could compromise your network, utilize the following set of Sigma rules available in the SOC Prime’s Detection as Code Platform:

Sigma rules to detect Black Basta ransomware

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Black Basta Ransomware Analysis

A prolific ransomware group known under the moniker Black Basta demonstrates an eagerness to conquer new horizons in cyber offense terrain, adapting new malware tools and hacking techniques. Despite being a novice in the field of ransomware attacks, they have already made their name in high-dollar crimes, launching double-extortion attacks worldwide.

NCC Group’s researchers reported a recent Black Basta’s collaboration with QBot. The banking trojan often referred to as a Swiss Army knife malware for its impressive versatility in malicious operations, is frequently leveraged as a dropper in ransomware attacks. Black Basta adversaries used it primarily for its ability to move laterally within a compromised environment with a goal to drop the ransomware executables onto all hosts within a compromised network. The current data indicates that within the latest campaign, adversaries kill Windows Defender’s processes on compromised devices.

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